Brauer Snore Eze Oral Spray 20ml

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0.15 kg
$27.50 $28.95
Brauer Snore Eze Oral Spray 20ml

SnoreEze Oral Spray includes natural ingredients traditionally used in homeopathic medicine to help reduce inflammation of the nose and throat, a blocked nose, allergies and mucus production, allowing the snorer to breathe more easily and helping to relieve snoring.

Healthy Hints

  • Try sleeping on your side rather than your back. If you tend to roll onto your back during the night, it’s worth trying this novel idea: put a T-shirt or pyjama top with a small front pocket on back-to-front (so the pocket is at the back) and put a tennis ball in the pocket. When you roll onto your back, the tennis ball will prompt you to roll back onto your side!
  • Being overweight contributes to snoring. If you are overweight, losing weight slowly and steadily is one of the best things you can do to improve your overall health — and it will probably help your snoring too.
  • Allergies, sinus congestion and tonsillitis can all contribute to snoring. See your healthcare professional for treatment if you have any of these problems.
  • Do your best to avoid alcohol for 2–3 hours before going to bed. Generally cutting down on alcohol will help many snorers.


Adults: Use 4 sprays under your tongue half an hour before bed and then immediately before going to bed. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

Active Ingredients - Oral Spray

Contains equal parts of: Apis mel. 6C; Histaminum mur. 9C; Kali bich. 6X; Lac can. 6C; Lemna min. 6X; Nux vom. 6C; Pulsatilla 6X; Ratanhia 6X; Rheum 6X; Teucrium mar. 6X; Zincum met. 6C.